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Have you ever wondered how cities of the future will be and, more specifically, yours? We have, that is why in the show “1 hour less”, we have travelled ahead in time to the city of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria in the year 2070.
In a world where scientific, technological and architectural advances are developing faster and faster, reality can surpass fiction. In our minds, we all imagine flying vehicles or state-of-the-art infrastructures and buildings, but the possibilities can go much further with the application of Artificial Intelligence in our daily lives. Of course, innovation, respect for the environment and sustainability will all have to be part of that future, otherwise we will not have much of a future
At Videoreport we are already working on the future reality of other cities in the archipelago that we hope to be able to share with you very soon. In the meantime, dare to imagine with us and enjoy…

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Videoreport Canarias, S.A.

Gran Canaria

C/ Profesor Lozano, 7.  1ª Planta.
35008 Las Palmas de Gran Canaria
+34 928 40 24 23


Avda. 3 de Mayo, 30. 4º, Oficina C Edif. Ahlers
38005 Santa Cruz de Tenerife
+34 822 20 19 93